Soil signals of grassland: a practical guide with a checklist for soil quality assessment

Nick van Eekeren, B. Philipsen. 2020. Soil signals of grassland: a practical guide with a checklist for soil quality assessment. Grassland Science in Europe. In: European Grassland Federation 28th General Meeting on “Meeting the future demands of grassland production”. 25: 752-754.
Pagina's / pages: 3
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

Soil quality is an important factor for the stability of grassland production, and the profitability of farming. Moreover, the soil delivers ecosystem services such as carbon storage, water regulation and maintenance of biodiversity. For dairy farmers soil quality often remains a black box and difficult to assess. Knowledge transfer around this theme is not easy since it is not always the primary interest of dairy farmers. A practical guide has been developed with many photos and illustrations, which follows in consecutive chapters the six pillars of soil quality. The guide and the checklist are discussed.

Keywords in English: soil quality, soil organic matter, roots, soil structure and soil biota