The healthcare system in the Netherlands has undergone significant changes in recent decades. The aging population continues to grow, and the number of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart conditions, and cancer is also increasing. As a result, healthcare costs are rising every year, making prevention increasingly important. Furthermore, a considerable number of healthcare providers and patients realize that care can be different: more personalized, tailored to individual needs, with more attention to the interaction between the body and mind. These developments align well with the vision of Integrative Medicine (IM), where the relationship between the healthcare provider as a coach and the patient takes center stage. Integrative Medicine responds to the demand from citizens for complementary care, without diminishing the value of all the existing healthcare options. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the significant importance of complementary care if we aim to have sustainable and affordable healthcare available to everyone in the long term. They call on all countries to conduct research into complementary care. ZonMW endorses this advice and has recommended the establishment of a research agenda for Integrative Medicine in the Netherlands.
Research agenda Integrative Medicine 2022-2024
Pagina's / pages: 4
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Abstract / summary in English:
Keywords in English: research agenda, Integrative Medicine, healthcare, Research agenda