Organic Exporter Guide

F.J. Koekoek. 2006. Organic Exporter Guide. EPOPA/AgroEco, Bennekom, Netherlands.
Pagina's / pages: 34
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

This guide was developed for the programme \'Export Promotion of Organic Products from Africa\' (EPOPA), implemented by Agro Eco and Grolink. The focus of this guide is on export marketing of organic agricultural products. Finished consumer products and other concepts of certification such as Fair Trade and EurepGAP are briefly discussed as well. The guide is written for African exporters starting with organic exports. It may also be useful for business supporters involved in export marketing. The guide has been kept short and to the point. A more general discussion of export marketing from developing countries can be found in CBI\'s Export Planner (2004). The EPOPA approach of developing organic exports is based on established exporters. Before the project, they already have conducted conventional exports. After the project, they act as supply-chain managers, and they also hold the organic certificate. This approach has the advantage of making use of an existing export structure, reducing the time and effort needed to reach the market. After the introduction (chapter 1), the fundamentals of an organic export venture is discussed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 concentrates on the marketing aspects of such a project, providing ingredients for the export marketing plan. A short overview of organic markets is given in annex 2. Since market information becomes outdated very quickly, it is not included in the main text of the report. Summaries of EPOPA market surveys are available on the website


Keywords in English: Africa, export, organic, marketing, certification
Tweede taal / secondary language Nederlands
Abstract / samenvatting in Nederlands:

Deze handleiding is ontwikkeld in het kader van het programma  \'Export Promotion of Organic Products from Africa\' (EPOPA; promotie van export van biologische producten uit Afrika), uitgevoerd door Agro Eco en Grolink. De nadruk ligt op de export marketing van biologische landbouwproducten. Consumentenproducten en andere concepmten mbt certificering zoals FairTrade en EurepGAP worden ook kort behandeld. De handleiding is geschreven voor Afrikaanse exporteurs die beginnen met het exporteren van biologische producten.  Mogelijk is het ook bruikbaar voor bedrijfsadviseurs die betrokken zijn in export marketing.

Trefwoorden in Nederlands: afrika, export, biologisch, marketing, certificering