Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Regeneration of Biodiversity after Soil Steaming in Organic Glasshouses

Willemijn Cuijpers, Frans Smeding, J. Amsing, J. Potsma, Chris Koopmans. 2005. Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Regeneration of Biodiversity after Soil Steaming in Organic Glasshouses. the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR). IFOAM, Adelaide, Australia . 21-23 september 2005.
Pagina's / pages: 3
Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

Four months after application of sheet steaming to the soil in an organic greenhouse, the treatment had still a significant effect on the diversity of the soil microflora (bacterial and fungal populations). Also four months after steaming, two fertilizer types differed significantly in their effect on microbial composition.
"Goat manure had a positive effect on bacterial diversity, while spent mushroom compost had a stimulating effect on fungal diversity.

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