Mini-paper - Skills for the future robust and resilient dairy farming - curriculum for farmers and farm advisor

Leena Suojala, Michael Brady, Cynthia Verwer, Kirsten Wosnitza, Isabelle Vuylsteke. 2018. Mini-paper - Skills for the future robust and resilient dairy farming - curriculum for farmers and farm advisor. EIP-AGRI.
Pagina's / pages: 4
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

This mini paper summarizes the need for skills, attitude and support for the future European dairy farmer and farm advisors related to robust and resilient farming towards more sustainable dairy farming systems. In this mini-paper we suggest the measures to be taken how to organize education, advisory services and other support to ensure the future dairy farmer’s curriculum development and to support robust and resilient dairy implementation, generate environment to think more broadly, and help he/she to survive in the dairy market field.

Keywords in English: robust and resilient farming, sustainable dairy farming systems, societal and regulatory demands, animal health challenges, climate change