Anthroposophic versus conventional therapy of acute respiratory & ear infections: a prospective non-randomised comparative outcomes study.

Hamre, H.J., H. Kiene, M. Fischer, M. Heger, D. Riley, M. Haidvogl, E.W. Baars, E. Bristol, M. Evans & R. Schwarz

H.J. Hamre, H. Kiene, M. Fischer, M. Heger, D.S. Riley, M. Haidvogl, Erik W. Baars. 2005. Anthroposophic versus conventional therapy of acute respiratory & ear infections: a prospective non-randomised comparative outcomes study.: Hamre, H.J., H. Kiene, M. Fischer, M. Heger, D. Riley, M. Haidvogl, E.W. Baars, E. Bristol, M. Evans & R. Schwarz.
Type: Overig
Taal/language: Engels
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