Implication of cow-calf contact for dairy calf health and welfare State-of- the-Art Dam Rearing of Calves – a sector-wide assessment of scientific and practical knowledge on dam-rearing systems in The Netherlands Effect of cow-calf contact on motivation of dairy cows to access their calf Effect of cow-calf contact on motivation of dairy cows to access their calf Impact of satellite-derived leaf area index and roughness length maps on modelled reactive nitrogen deposition. Variations in polyphenol oxidase in red clover (Trifolium pratense) leaves and roots Grass-clover mixtures: benefits for arable and livestock farms and biodiversity Sward lifting in compacted grassland: effects on soil structure, grass rooting and productivity Role of range use in infections with parasites in laying hens Effect of feeding the grass fibrous fraction obtained from biorefinery on N ans P utilisation of dairy cows Paginering Vorige pagina ‹‹ Pagina 3 Volgende pagina ›› Abonneer op Congres bijdragen